Saturday, November 20, 2021

Reuters 'Fact-Checks' Claim That 'Biden Isn't Really the President,' Forgets to Check Who's Behind It

Reuters 'Fact-Checks' Claim That 'Biden Isn't Really the President,' Forgets to Check Who's Behind It

DCCC Chairman Forced to Issue Embarrassing Correction After Rittenhouse Verdict

DCCC Chairman Forced to Issue Embarrassing Correction After Rittenhouse Verdict

Alert: Rittenhouse 'Not Guilty' Verdict to Be Overturned? Jerry Nadler Sets Stage

Alert: Rittenhouse 'Not Guilty' Verdict to Be Overturned? Jerry Nadler Sets Stage

Victor Davis Hanson: Latest Whistleblower Confirms the FBI Has Just Lost Its Last Shred of Dignity

Victor Davis Hanson: Latest Whistleblower Confirms the FBI Has Just Lost Its Last Shred of Dignity

City That Hit 100% Vaccination Rate in March Now Urging Cancellation of Christmas Celebrations over Virus Fears

City That Hit 100% Vaccination Rate in March Now Urging Cancellation of Christmas Celebrations over Virus Fears

No, the Judge Isn't Biased Toward Rittenhouse - This Is How He Has Always Handled Cases

No, the Judge Isn't Biased Toward Rittenhouse - This Is How He Has Always Handled Cases

Ironclad Videos Show That COVID Lockdown Protesters and BLM Rioters Are Nothing Alike

Ironclad Videos Show That COVID Lockdown Protesters and BLM Rioters Are Nothing Alike

Hateful Pro-Choice Activists Destroy a Cross Set Up to Commemorate 800,000 Aborted Babies

Hateful Pro-Choice Activists Destroy a Cross Set Up to Commemorate 800,000 Aborted Babies